Full Degree Seeking – Short Summary

1. Find a preferred study program at the University of Belgrade (in Serbian or a foreign language)

2. Get in touch with the competent authority in order to have your previously acquired education diploma recognized and validated,
- for high-school degrees:
- for higher education degrees:
- for a part of a study program at your former home institution:

3. Check the call for enrollment at the website of the University of Belgrade (month of May), and make sure you meet: deadlines and general enrollment requirements and specific enrollment requirements for foreign citizens

4. Apply for admission at the specific faculty of the University of Belgrade that carries out your chosen study program and pass the entrance exam (if required).

For in-detail explanation on how to enroll in a full degree study program at the University of Belgrade, please see the pages in the menu on the left Degree Studies and Recognition of Foreign Higher Education Documents for the Purpose of Further Education