Cost of Living

Please note that all costs listed in here are approximate estimates only and are intended to help foreign visitors plan their financial resources. We estimate that students and visitors need an average of €600-800 per month per person to cover their accommodation costs, health insurance, costs of utilities, meals, city transportation, some necessary personal expenses and incidentals. Actual expenditures can significantly vary depending on individual spending habits, and, of course, whether one plans to live alone or with flat mates. Instruction materials and textbooks are not included, as each faculty of the University of Belgrade has its own required literature, and the prices therefore vary. Please see more under the “Cost of studying” section of this website.

Accommodation And Utilities

Prices of the housing in a student dormitory for foreign citizens vary depending on the number of persons sharing the room. Approximately, single-bed room per person per day costs €27; double-bed room per person per day costs €18, while triple-bed room per person per day costs €14. Each room has a bathroom and a basic kitchenette. All utilities included. Additionally, a local tax per day costs around €1.5. Check the accommodation availability at

Rented accommodation: Again, prices depend on the size, location and the condition of the rented flat. However, an approximate price of a shared flat (e.g. 2 people) in the larger urban zone would be €350-400 + utilities (€120-180).

There are many hostels in Belgrade offering accommodation to foreign visitors at budget prices. This type of accommodation is usually preferred for short-term stays. Visitors who chose this type of accommodation for long-term stays should discuss the availability and possible discounts directly with the chosen hostel.

City Transportation

Monthly transportation student pass: €15
Regular single-ride ticket: €0,7

  • Prices for foreign citizens:
  • Monthly pass - €25
  • 15-day pass - €15
  • 365-days pass - €275

Please visit the official website of the public transportation ticket provider:

Health Insurance

Monthly health insurance for foreign students: €66

National Health Insurance Fund:

Important: Health insurance for foreign students and scholars is mandatory. However, candidates should check whether the health insurance has been provided according to the specific type of cooperation under which the mobility is arranged.