The University organises and carries out studies during the academic year which, as a rule, begins on October 1 and lasts for 12 months. An academic year has 42 working weeks, of which 30 for teaching and 12 for consultations, exam preparation and exams. There are autumn and spring semesters, each having 15 weeks for teaching and 6 for consultations, exam preparation and exams. Teaching is organised and performed in semesters, in accordance with the teaching plan.
Each subject in the study programme has its number of ECTS points, and the volume of studies is reflected in overall ECTS points. The total of 60 ECTS points corresponds to average student’s work in a 40 working hour week in one academic year.
The overall student work comprises the following:
Total number of lessons in an academic year cannot be less than 600 or more than 900. Exceptionally, classes can be organized in different time units (such as trimesters, blocks, or modules) whose individual duration is defined in Faculty study programme, on the condition that their total duration a year is 30 teaching weeks and 12 weeks for consultations, exam preparation and exams.
Students’ work on specific courses is continually monitored at classes and shown in points. A student can acquire 100 points by fulfilling the exam prerequisites and passing the exam. A study programme determines the proportion of credits which are acquired with exam prerequisites and in the exam itself.
The minimum of 30 and the maximum of 70 credits are allocated for students’ activities and assessment tests in one semester. These are exam prerequisites. Students’ success in the exams is reflected in the following grades: 10 – remarkable; 9 – excellent; 8 – very good; 7 – good; 6 – satisfactory; 5 – failed. Students’ success in exams at the University and its higher education units may not be shown numerically, but according to the following pattern: A+ – 10; A – 9; B – 8; C – 7; D – 6; F – 5. The final grade in an exam is calculated by total number of credits acquired in all forms of studying obligations. A student can pass an exam if all studying obligations have been assessed with a passing grade. Exams are either theoretical or practical and students take them, depending on the study programme, in written, oral, or both written and oral form.
The exam terms are: January, April, June, September and October. They are organised in accordance with the annual plan of exams of a higher education institution. Exam schedule is made in the beginning of an academic year and it is an integral part of the teaching plan.In general, a student cannot take the same exam more than three times in one academic year. However, a student who has only one exam left at the enroled year has the right to take this exam in an additional term before the beginning of the next academic year. A student who does not pass the exam in obligatory courses before the beginning of the next academic year has to repeat the same courses. A student who does not pass the exam in elective courses can either repeat the same course or choose another one.
Every academic year when enroling at semesters (or trimesters, blocks or modules), a student chooses courses from the study programme. They can choose the desired courses on the condition that they have acquired the prerequisites defined in the study programme.A study programme can be based on semester enrolment. To enable faster completion of studies and wider education, exceptionally successful students may be allowed to choose courses worth more than 60, but not more than 90 ECTS points. A student has the right to enrol senior years, on the conditions determined by this Statute when they, pursuant to the study programme, acquire the right to enrol at courses of at least 37 ECTS points in the senior year, in accordance with the study programme.A student who failed to fulfill these conditions may continue their studies so as to enrol at courses which they did not complete in the previous year, under terms and conditions defined by the Senate i.e. teaching and scientific Council of the Faculty.
Primary and specialised studies are completed after passing all required exams, fulfilling other study obligations and, if so required by the study programme, writing a degree paper or passing a degree exam.Master academic studies are completed after passing all required exams and fulfilling other study obligations, writing the final paper and its public defending, pursuant to the study programme.Doctoral studies are completed after passing all required exams, writing a PhD thesis and its public defending. Exceptionally, doctoral degree may be acquired by a person who completed medical studies and specialisation, on the grounds of a defended dissertation based on work published in the top world journals.Persons who acquired the academic degree of MA or MSc in accordance with the regulations which were effective before the new Higher Education Law came into force can acquire the academic title of PhD if they defend their doctoral thesis before September 9, 2012, in line with the regulations effective before the adoption of new Law.The number of points of degree paper i.e. final part of the study programme is included in the total number of points necessary for graduation.The General act on higher education unit closely defines the degree exam (final exam), application procedure, evaluation and the defence of doctoral thesis.
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