Faculty of Education

Faculty of Education

Phone number 1: +381 11 3615 225

Phone number 2: +381 11 2686 787

Fax: +381 11 2641 060

Website: www.uf.bg.ac.rs

Е-mail: dekanat@uf.bg.ac.rs

Address: 43 Kraljice Natalije, Belgrade

Dean: Prof. Dr. Danimir Mandić

Teacher education in Serbia has a long tradition and it has lasted for 180 years. Three dates in the development of teacher training that are rememberes: January 1871. started with the Teachers' School in Serbia, based in Kragujevac. In year 1878, it moved to Belgrade. The first Serbian School Teachers' was founded in Szentendre in 1812, which was moved to Sombor in 1816. Teacher Training in Belgrade has operated since 1878. , with interruptions during the war years, until September 1972.

In September 1972 beagan the work with the College of Education in Belgrade, and for the past twenty years it has graduated thousands of teachers community.

The Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, at 1st of July 1993, adopts law on teacher training colleges in the Republic of Serbia, and thus Teachers College in Belgrade starts working at 30th September the same year.

On 9th October 1997. the first students have graduated from the Faculty of Education in Belgrade. Faculty provides postgraduate, graduate and specialization studies in the didactic-methodical science.

Catalogue of Master study programs

Catalogue of Doctoral and Specialist study programs