Phone number: +381 11 3207 496
Address: 26 Obilićev venac, Belgrade
Director: Dr. Nedeljko Milosavljević
Center for technology transfer was founded by the decision of the University Council on October 26th 2010, with the purpose of identifying, protecting and commercializing the results of scientific, research and expert work and the protection of intellectual property of the University of Belgrade.
The primary goals and tasks of the Center are:
During the following year, the Serbian Intellectual Property Office (Zavod za intelektualnu svojinu Republike Srbije) will be providing significant financial and expert support for the work of the Center, on the basis of a contract signed on November 30th 2010. between the Intellectual Property Office and the University. The contract is part of the IPA national project "Support to the Education and Information Centre of the Serbian Intellectual Property Office" financed by the European Union. The project is directed by the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Serbia, and implemented by the European Patent Organization.