Faculty of Physics

Faculty of Physics

Phone number 1: +381 11 2630 152

Phone number 2: +381 11 3281 375

Fax: +381 11 3282 619

Website: www.ff.bg.ac.rs

Е-mail: dekanat@ff.bg.ac.rs

Address: 12 Studentski trg, Belgrade

Dean: Prof. Dr. Ivan Belča

Faculty of Physics University of Belgrade is high educational and scientific institution. It was founded in 1990 as an independent institution by separating from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

Faculty of Physics is organizing 4 undergraduate and master groups of studying. Teaching and researching are organizing in 12 chears and 32 laboratories. Students dispose with 3 libraries and computer laboratory with 12 computers on-line.

In collaboration with Institute of Physics Belgrade and Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Vinca" Faculty of Physics is organizing doctoral programs of physics and meteorology. The Faculty is the leading scientific organization in Serbia. There are 9 research projects within several research laboratories.

Catalogue of Master study programs

Catalogue of Doctoral and Specialist study programs