With the conviction that by creating and maintaining a climate of equal opportunities and gender-balanced and inclusive study and work culture, the University of Belgrade can better achieve its strategic goal and fulfil its mission, the Senate of the University of Belgrade, at its session of April 17, 2019, adopted the Gender Equality Plan (GEP). Bearing in mind that the principles of gender equality and anti-discriminatory policies are, to a certain extent, integrated into main university documents and practices, the GEP represents a further step in the direction of strengthening the policy of respect of equality and raising awareness of the gender equality significance.
The priority areas identified in this document arrive from of the first Gender Equality Audit, a self-assessment conducted in the period of September 2017-March 2018, as a part of the “Taking a Reflexive Approach to Gender Equality for Institutional Transformation” project under the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.
By adopting GEP, the University of Belgrade commits itself to undertaking necessary activities, in order to produce structural change towards achieving and sustaining greater gender equality at all levels and in all areas of work and research. The implementation of GEP will be focused on establishing the system for monitoring trends in career paths of women and men in academia, conducting awareness raising activities related to the University’s international and domestic obligations towards implementing measures to increase gender balance, as well as establishing a permanent University gender equality body.
More information are available in the following publications:
- Why a Gender Equality Plan?
- Going Beyond the Formal Adoption of a Gender Equality Plan: Guide for Universities
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