Faculty of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Phone number of Deanery: +381 11 3370 102

Phone number of Student Services: +381 11 3218 526

Fax: +381 11 3370 223

Website: www.grf.bg.ac.rs

Е-mail: dekanat@grf.bg.ac.rs

Address: 73 Bulevar kralja Aleksandra, Belgrade

Dean: Prof. Dr. Branko Božić

Vice Dean: Ass. Prof. Aleksandar R. Đukić

Vice Dean: Ass. Prof. Nenad T. Fric

Vice Dean: Ass. Prof. Miroslav S. Marjanović

The Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University in Belgrade is the oldest and the highest educational and scientific institution for civil engineering and geodesy in our country. Faculty has long lasting and rich tradition and beginnings of teaching in civil engineering are stemming from 1846 when the Serbian Prince, Aleksandar Karadjordjević, having issued his decree law, was established "Indžinirska škola" ( The Engineering School) in Belgrade. This very year is, therefore, found on the coat of arms of Faculty together with the Latin words studere, docere, aedificare thus symbolizing activities performed by the Faculty in the field of teaching, science and profession. The engineers graduated from Faculty have accomplished many significant successes in designing and building all sorts of construction projects both in the country and abroad, many of which are the construction projects of the highest degree. Also a great number of former students have been working in most prestigious world construction companies, respectively, are employed by the most prominent universities in the world.

Catalogue of Master study programs

Catalogue of Doctoral and Specialist study programs