Faculties Institutes Centers Library

Institute for Multidiciplinary Research

Institute for Multidiciplinary Research

Phone number 1: +381 11 3555 258

Phone number 2: +381 11 3058 954

Website: www.imsi.rs

E-mail: office@imsi.bg.ac.rs

Address: 1 Kneza Višeslava, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Director: Dr. Dragica Stanković

The Institute for Multidisciplinary Research (IMSI) has been established in 1970 as the Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies of the University of Belgrade, with the aim to foster research and education of postgraduates in borderline disciplines and multidisciplinary sciences.

The University of Belgrade’s Institute for Multidisciplinary Research (IMSI) combines fundamental and applied research in several complementary research fields such as material science and chemical technologies, environmental sciences and renewable energy, ichthyology and aquaculture, soil science, plant biology, biochemistry, biophysics and neurosciences. It is an attractive educational environment for postgraduates, with a long-term devotion to promote scientific excellence. Currently the Institute is organized in four cross-linked departments, i.e. Material Science, Life Sciences, Inland Water Biology and Protection, and Plant-Soil and NanoSystems, and the Center of Excellence in Green Technologies. The total bibliography for the past four years is more than 400 articles in the international peer-reviewed journals and over 20 chapters in the international books.